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Writer's pictureClaire Miller

2am Club

Hello and welcome to Tuesday's blog - live and kicking from the 2am club!

Pause for dramatic yawn.

This is the second day in a row I have been a member of this club. Yesterday, I had lots on my mind and wanted to start the day and take on the world. cat woke me up in the most infuriating of ways. She decided to do a kamikaze summersault across the bedroom and land in a paper bag that is in the corner of the room. Following this, she quickly tried to escape the paper bag and you can just imagine how noisy this entire ordeal was. Needless to say she is now outside with the rest of nature where she can leap and bound to her heart's content. And I get to be 2am!

Yesterday, I had so much going through my head that I just needed and get some of it out. I spent some time writing my thoughts down in my notebook (Tip Tuesday: Do this if you can't sleep it really helps!) and managed to go back to sleep an hour or so later. Sadly, I was then too tired to join the 5am club so ended up being on the back foot all day. I caught up last night and felt at peace going to sleep. Then the cat...

I have decided that Today isn't going to be another back foot operation! I know full well that if I attempt to go back to sleep now then I won't be springing up at 5am, so I am getting head of the game and doing my 5am tasks, now!


I think this means I am on the front foot right? Is that a thing? Or do I really just need to go back to sleep?!

If this isn't positive energy / glass half full / optimism at it's finest then I don't know what is! Most issues can be avoided or side stepped if we really want to. I guess it all depends just how badly you want something. I am determined to make a positive difference to as many people as I possibly can. So practicing what I preach is essential. So 2am club - I win!

If you face an issue today that throws your day off plan, just re-think and side step the issues. Everything is possible when you think outside the box.

Have an amazing Tuesday!

Claire x


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