It’s 6.02 again.
Only this time I am writing from the comfort of my bed. I slept through my alarm until Jake nudged me to turn it off and then I layed here contemplating various things Until now. Mostly the upcoming general election on 12th December.
I know why I couldnt get up this morning. I know exactly why I am still in bed. It is absolutely the result of the huge amount of chocolate, crisps and other rubbish I ate yesterday. There is no way to dress up the words; I am a binge eater, so there it is!
Why? In yesterday’s blog I was ready to take on the world. I did mention that it was only temporary happiness didn’t I? I am trying to work out myself what happened and what I didn’t stick to my new found semi slimming world plan. I honestly can’t work it out, other than we just had the snacks in the house. It was there for the taking.
Another factor could be that it was all consumed whilst watching the Johnson vs Corbyn Debate! That actually explains a lot when you think about it.
So....Start Monday? Absolutely not! This is what most people would do now, on a Thursday. Whoever started eating healthier on a day beginning with T? I absolutely will bring about ‘start Thursday” mindset if I have to - I don’t understand why one day of eating too many snacks would result in me continuing to stuff poison into my body for another four days only to then spend at least double that amount of time trying to counter the effects. No thank you!
Instead... I am choosing some fruit and vitamins this morning and a whole load of water to try and clear the old system after yesterday's consumption, which I had better get on with as I am now late and have a busy day ahead!
Don't turn a bad day into a bad week folks! Life is too short!
Claire x
#thursday #healthyeating #dontpoisonyouself #startthursday #dontstartmonday #fightdisease #healthyliving