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Writer's pictureClaire Miller

Diary of a Happiness Coach - 14/10/22

Good Morning! Happy Friday...

It has been a 'bit of a week' around here. Let me tell you what has been going on this end...

Firstly, bright and early on Monday morning, my new cleaner started!

(So, I just want to jump in here and explain a little context behind having a cleaner. Please do not for one second think that we are posh or rich etc, I am simply a full time working mum and wife, also doing a degree in Psychology whilst caring for 2 autistic people. I have been awarded 2 hours of cleaning every week by our local authority following a carer assessment because I am human and cannot do everything!)

I am already in love and it was just the most amazing feeling knowing that it was just done. Something that I didn't need to do or think about. I was super worried about how it would make me feel but I have to admit it was actually very easy to adapt to in the moment - plus our cleaner is an absolute superstar and just makes me feel completely at ease!

So that was an amazing start to the week!

Next up, also on Monday, I officially started as my Husbands' new Music Manager. As you guys probably know, he is autistic and even before his diagnosis we knew is absolutely rubbish at communicating with people. He is however, an absolute musical genius and between the two of us, we will hopefully be able to push his music out a little further so that more people can enjoy it. Everyone is a winner.

Tuesday was back to uni day. Had a great lecture and started to feel like I am getting to grips with it all as I actually understood everything the lecturer was saying. We had a stand in lecturer as the usual one was poorly but I have to say she was very good! Very engaging which is always a winner.

Also on Tuesday, my first ever 8 week Happiness Course SOLD OUT!

Genuinely, I fully expected my husband, a couple of friends and maybe a couple of new people to sign up at best. But the entire event was fully booked by brand new people which I am absolutely stoked about! It starts next week and I cannot wait to be running the course - it is going to be amazing. The next one start in January 2023 and being a new year, I anticipate that this one will also book up very quickly. Bookings will open HERE in the next few weeks.

Wednesday and Thursday were Uni days. I didn't go onto campus for these 2 days but managed to get stuck in to a load of work and have almost completed my first assignment and have made a solid start on another. They are not due for another few weeks but as you will know about me, I like to be prepared and ahead of the game. It really helps with my mental health.

Today is my Organise Happy day. Lots of background work on the go and creating some fun new things for you all - I honestly have so many ideas and plans that I literally cannot get them out quick enough. What is it they say...patience is a virtue!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I look forward to writing to you all next week

Claire x


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