This morning I am goal setting.
Most people, on a Friday are dragging themselves across the finish line of the working week. I however, today, here at 5.27am, am setting myself 3 additional goals to complete today.
This is an everyday occurrence for me, including the weekends! These goals are in addition to any tasks I have for today. These goals are carefully selected from a bigger (more scary) goals list. Let me explain...
A few months ago, I sat quietly and wrote down what I want in life. Not want I need, not what others think I need, what I want! To be honest, I set out trying to find 10 life goals but I struggled to find that many ultimate goals. I ended up adding a few that were pretty simple and everyday feelings, which I now just look at daily and get all the feels knowing that I have these in my life already. Positivity goes a long way folks!
So from my 10 life goals, I spend a few minutes every morning writing myself 3 daily goals that will help me move one step closer to my ultimate goals. I get to choose what I do each day. I make these goals very, very small and manageable. The thought of not being able to cross them off at the end of each day makes me sad and it would feel like we are moving away from these goals rather than towards them. Even the tiniest of wins makes us feel good! And that is a sense of achievement I feel every single day.
So adding this to being in the 5am club, I get to spend the beginning AND end of each day feeling like I have won! Every single day I move closer to my goals. Recently, I have been quite poorly and some days unable to complete any tasks at all. I say that, I still did a little something each day but not as much as I would have liked. This dip in my sense of achievement was really noticeable and always makes me want to get straight back onto the wagon.
So top tip from me on a cold, Friday morning. Spend some time this weekend and write out your 10 life goals. What do YOU want to achieve in this life? Then each morning, (preferably in the 5am club or equivalent!) write down 3 smaller, daily goals to help you move closer to your main goals. You will see a huge difference in very little time. Plus, perhaps for the first time in a long will have Hope!
See you on Monday folks! Have an amazing weekend!
Claire x