I am certain that many people have woken up this morning and can feel that wretched sense of grief. The hole in your body that you just cannot explain or seem to shift. That's grief. That's loss. and that is because the entire world is feeling the impact of the loss of our beloved Queen.
The feeling is all very well known to me. I sadly lost both of my parents suddenly, just 5 years apart when I was aged 18 and 23. This feeling is similar...
But what I wanted to share today, is that this feeling does fade. Sometimes completely, sometimes to the point that life is bearable.
Happiness and grief are not friends, but they are also not enemies. They are not opposite and you don't have to choose between one or the other. You can feel grief but also be happy with your life. And that is ok.
I remember when both of my parents died and the sudden thoughts of 'Is it too soon to laugh?', 'when is it acceptable to publicly socialise again?" and 'what will people think if I do 'X,Y,Z' so soon?'.
The truth is, there is no right or wrong. There is only you, your thoughts, your feelings and the same for those close to you.
So Today and for the next few weeks, let's give ourselves a break. It is ok to laugh, smile, cry, socialise, seek solitude. Do whatever it is you feel is the right thing for you. And most importantly, remember to #bekind as everyone else will have their own way of dealing with their grief too.
Rest in Peace Liz. You certainly put in a shift!!