The age old topic - increasing your fluids!
It's what we are told time and time again my our friends, family, GP, neighbour, delivery man, librarian, tax man, astronaut.... You name it, they are telling you!
But when is enough? How do we know? Is everyone the same? What if you are ill? What of I start to exercise?
There are so many variables that it is really hard to keep up!
This topic is on my mind as I have recently been rather under the weather. I was told a few months back that there may be a slight issue with my Kidneys, so to increase my fluid intake. This seemed like a really simple solution for me as I was really thirsty all the time so I knew I wasn't getting enough.
Fast forward to today. For the past 2 days I have had approx 4 litres of water and a large coffee PER DAY! Guess what...I am still thirsty! Clearly something isn't right here...
I spoke to a colleague yesterday who is a personal trainer (and to be honest a massive geek on the human body) who recommended that I drink a sports/isotonic drink each day as perhaps the water is not being absorbed due to the lack of (insert something clever he said that I have forgotten!) He said it's a similar thing to when people take drugs like ecstasy and think they are thirsty and drink too much water when actually they are not thirsty they just need something else other than water.
I have purchased some Lucozade Sport drinks and will see how I get on with them. But it got me thinking. This increase your fluid m'larky - should we be promoting NOT drinking so much water. Allegedly, 2 litres per day is absolutely sufficient for most people which can be increased to 3 litres if you complete any strenuous physical activity. If you are still really thirsty after this, you probably need something else!!
How much water do you drink in a day? Leave me a comment and let me know...
Have a great day folks!
Claire x