Tuesday 1.0
I have been round the twist this morning...and it's only 5.35am!
The alarm went off at 5am and I wasn't ready for it. But somehow I dragged my sorry behind up out of there and made it to the kitchen where I necked a pint of water which woke me up. But my favorite glass hadn't made it through the dishwasher last night with everything else so I had to settle for another one. After a couple of chores, the next thing on my list is to make my favourite morning treat...a vanilla latte whilst I write my blog. No milk! Urgh!
So I sat here to write my post and whilst the computer was loading I popped on my instagram and spotted a post from an incredible mum in the US who recently lost her little baby at Christmas. As if this wasn't horrific enough...she has been receiving really negative comments on her page and she wrote about it. So I just found myself scrolling through her comments to see what horrible things people could possibly write....
How is this helping me? It is the beginning of a downwards spiral all because I am tired and we have no milk! Let's start again...
Tuesday 2.0
Good Morning to my Tribe!
I woke up this morning and got up on time. Winning! I necked some water to wake my system up and feel hydrated and since we had no milk, I decided to go for a vitamin drink which is really tasty - extra goodies for my body today! :)
Whilst waiting for my computer to load, I spotted one of my mummy friends across the pond needed extra love - So I am sending her love this morning - I have lots of it to share!
Now I get to chat to you wonderful people before I get ready for the day ahead. I wonder what amazing things can happen today? Let's find out!
Now can you see how different those two posts are - it's the same events! The lesson here is that we all have choices. I know this! I just forget for a little while. Since it is #tiptuesday, let this be the tip of the day...
Think about your reactions today. How you deal with certain situations throughout the day. Because you really can turn it around like me if you really want to! Another tip - I am reading 'You are a badass' by Jen Sincero at the moment which is well worth a read if this is something you struggle with.
See you all on Hump Day! :)
Claire x
#youareabadass #jensincero #howtostopbeinggrumpy #gettingyourselfoutofabadmood #turnthatfrownupsidedown