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Writer's pictureClaire Miller

I hate waiting! I love working!

Most of you know that yesterday was spent by me tackling the smaller, crappy, put off type tasks head on. I was absolutely determined to achieve loads. It sadly wasn't to be...

You see as much as I was ready, clearly the rest of the universe wasn't. This is something that I really struggle with. Every single thing I wanted to achieve on the tasks list yesterday is now waiting for someone else to do something with. And sadly not many people share my sense of speed and getting stuff done. I hate wasting time. I could go on and on and moan a but more! But....

I won't.

What will that do? Keep me in a bad mood...share the bad mood with you and then the cycle just continues and guess stuff still won't be done!

So instead.

I am making a new list of things that I can do...All by myself! That way, I can still move forward, focus on something else and you never know, by the time I have accomplished loads of new tasks today...some of Yesterday's tasks might be complete and ready to go too!

So here's to another productive day today. I have set a couple of big challenges for today. Let's do this! Do you have a big task too? Let's get stuck right in and see just what we can achieve in a day. The weekend is on the horizon. Let's get there in epic style so we can have an awesome one full of achievement and relaxation feels.

Let's smash Thursday!


Claire x


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