7 steps to getting healthy for 2019
1. Tell yourself "You're beautiful"
I challenge you to stand in front of a full length mirror every morning (and maybe every evening) and tell yourself you are beautiful. Forget the flaws you think are there. You are beautiful just the way you are. The more you tell yourself this the more you begin to accept you for you.
Your body is a temple, one that should be treated with love and respect. But if you do not believe it to be beautiful then you cannot give it the love and respect it deserves. Once you start to see yourself as beautiful you won't want to eat rubbish, you will want to have the good stuff.
2. Forget the diet
I know there are many people who would hate me for saying this, but on the whole it is actually quite true. The people that succeed on programmes such as Weight Watchers or Slimming World, achieve their goals because they make lifestyle changes (see point 3).
Most diets are designed to help you loose weight quickly, but ultimately once off them, most people pile the weight back on and then some
3. Make a lifestyle change
Look at your eating habits and make a conscious effort to take out the crap. Replace that with healthy alternatives. Less takeaways, and more freshly cooked meals. Fruit instead of sweets. Simple changes can make a huge difference
4. Don't restrict yourself
So many people say "I'm never eating chocolate again" or "That's the last pack of crisps I eat" etc. And as brilliant as these mantras may be, your focus on one thing is only likely to cause you to become overwhelmed by denial and potentially binge eat when you cannot hold back anymore. Rather, allow yourself those treats, but in moderation (see point 5). Get a small bar of chocolate instead of a big one, or treat yourself to a bag of crisps one lunch time.
5. Remember, everything in moderation
Science continues to say what is and isn't good for us. But that is if you eat or drink something in large quantities. And even the healthiest of things can have detrimental results if eaten to the extreme. For example, you really will go orange if you eat too many carrots!
Be kind to your body and balance your eating.
6. Be accountable to you
No more sneaking around. You really want to change you need to be honest with yourself. Maybe keep a food diary and list EVERYTHING you eat. Including the one chocolate or slice of cake you had at the office because it was someone's birthday. What can you start to say no to because it's clear you're eating too much of it? Is there something you should be eating more of? Are your meals filled with the right stuff?
7. Remember you are ALREADY beautiful - now it's time for the fine tuning
Help yourself with the fine tuning by downloading an Organise Happy Fitness Tracker and Calorie Counter - CLICK HERE to take you to our online shop!