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Writer's pictureClaire Miller

Tip Tuesday - Know your levels

You know that we all have those days where you are super motivated and surprise yourself at just how much you get done, only to have others days where every...single...thing seems like climbing an enormous mountain? Well, what if I told you that you could pre-plan for these events.....

As you may well know, I have recently left my full time employment and started to study Psychology at University. One of the main things I hope to learn about during my course is motivation. It absolutely fascinates me. Knowing what makes our brains tick and what makes our body's want to move. Sometimes these happen at the same time and sometimes they don't. I am super excited to explore this some more.

But even without being taught, we know that there are certain things that motivate us and we can pick up on these patterns just by going about our day to day lives. For example, I know that I personally struggle with motivation when I do not have anything planned. I need some sort of structure, albeit basic to give me half a chance of doing anything (and I mean anything!) each day.

I will be covering motivation in the 8 week Happiness Courses. The first one starts on 21st October and is completely free to join - BOOK PLACES HERE

You can get started today though, just have a think about those times that you know you dread, the times you always seem to fall at the first hurdle. Have a think about what it is that makes you feel so unmotivated by this and then try and see if you can plan around it. Could you move this task to another time when you know that you will feel more motivated? Could you add something to make the task feel more appealing or easier to do? Does the task need to be completed at all? Perhaps its something that you still do because you have always done and you no longer need this event in your life.

There will always be something that can help...have a think about your motivation levels today

Speak Soon

Claire x


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